Editor de registro windows 10
Editor de registro windows 10

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces key, create the following DWORD value: TcpAckFrequency and set it to 1 to disable “nagling” for gaming. To implement this tweak, modify the following registry keys. Nagle’s algorithm is enabled in Windows by default.

editor de registro windows 10

Disabling “nagling” can help reduce latency/ping in some games. This is designed to improve throughput efficiency of data transmission. Nagle’s algorithm combines several small packets into a single, larger packet for more efficient transmissions. How to Tweak Windows 10 for Gaming Nagle’s Algorithm It's crazy how much microsoft gimps your PC from it's full gaming potential and the amount of stuff they hide from you.

editor de registro windows 10

You don't have to, nothing should go wrong but it's always better to be safe than sorry.

editor de registro windows 10

As always make a system restore point before making and registry settings, make a backup of your registry too.

Editor de registro windows 10